It’s crazy to think we’re at the tail end of our pregnancy journey. We passed 39 weeks this last weekend, and now we’re just sitting, waiting, wishing for the final day to arrive!
Third trimester has been kind of a hoot. The first few months were great, it’s so incredible to see (and feel!) your baby growing inside you. I definitely grew the most this last trimester, which to be honest I was excited for as it took awhile for me to actual “look” pregnant, especially out in the wild. We also got the chance to spend a lot of time with family and friends, we’re all getting excited! Having an early January due date has definitely worked in our favor, with all the time off (thank heavens!), holiday visits, and just being able to stay inside cozied up before our bundle of joy gets here. Things could certainly be worse!
We have our induction date scheduled, so baby is bound to get here in the next two weeks. Really crossing my fingers I go into labor naturally, before our induction date, but I know baby will arrive when he’s ready.
Hope you all have had a beautiful holiday season, and hopefully we’ll be a family of three by my next post! ❤️